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ThemeMaster is an EmulationStation theme manager for small screen devices running ArkOS, RetroOZ, TheRA, JELOS, UnofficialOS or NostixOS.

Following devices are supported : Gameforce Chi, Powkiddy RGB10 RGB10 Max/3, RGB30, X55 and XU10, Anbernic RG351P/M/V RG552 and RG503, RK2020, Odroid-go Advance, Super and Ultra units.

User Guide


ArkOS (021-02-13 or newer)


RetroOZ (0.50 - Beta - 2 July or newer)



Image viewer


In Theme Gallery mode, ThemeMaster relies on information from Emulationstation-OGA-Theme-Gallery by Jetup to create a bespoke theme collection (allowing access from different GitHub accounts at once). Collection is cached locally and updated at startup whenever new commit exists on Emulationstation-OGA-Theme-Gallery repository.

GitHub Repository mode

In GitHub repository mode, ThemeMaster creates a live theme’s collection by pulling information from a GitHub account based on repositories starting with “es-theme”.

How it works

Nota Bene


ThemeMaster reused some external code to emulated keyboards and to display pictures :


Original script ArkThemes was developed for ArkOS by TadMSTR based on AnberPorts with contributions from choo t and JohnIrvine.

Most evolutions have been initially implemented on ArkThemes-fork which has reached EOL following the release of ThemeMaster (new name suggested by 5uck3rpunch).

Support ThemeMaster

No better support than ThemeMaster being used! If you have a GitHub account you can show it by starring the project.

Feel free to suggest any enhancement and to report any issue directly through GitHub. Alternatively - and for any questions, comments or feedback - you can find me on the Retro Game Handhelds Discord’s server.